Aurora Bulls's work

My greatest teacher is the Creator Himself, who has blessed me with both my ability and inspiration...
A painting is not about the painter, but the subject. As the artist behind the work of art, my goal is to communicate the beauty of God's creation through the elements and principles of Fine Oil painting. I hope my audience will be drawn to the essence and feeling of the subject.

Aurora's expert ability to harmonize design and color allows her to depict a wide variety of subjects in a way that is both realistic and romantic.

Working exclusively in oil, she uses a very limited palette consisting of only the three primaries. She combines opaque tones of soft colors, with layers of transparent glaze, achieving an authentic three-dimensional quality, tempered with subtle overtones.

  Aurora is the recipient of many awards and honors; from juried exhibitions to being a featured artist in North Light artist magazine. Her paintings hang in numerous corporate and private collections throughout the United States and abroad. She enjoys sharing her knowledge and experience with others by conducting workshops and giving demonstrations.

While being basically self-taught; she has honed her talent and skill by taking workshops in oil and other artistic media, such as watercolor and pastels.

  Aurora's website is here

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Aurora at the Wilderness Widlife Week

In January, Aurora held a show and conducted painting classes at the Ramsey Hotel, Pigeonforge, TN